
Radio waves

- r generated by forces tht cause vibration or oscillations to a syst.
- transfers energy frm a point to another..
- 2 types. mechanical waves n electromagnetic waves

Mechanical waves
- generated by vibration or oscillations
- required a medium to travel. 
- knot travel through vacuum.

- generated by simultaneous oscillations of electric n magnetic field.
- can travel through vacuum.

Char of waves.
- Amplitude is the max displacement.
- sym 4 amplitude is A.
- crest is da point of max positive displacement  
- trough is da point of max negative displacement.
- distance btw any 3 adjacent crests or adjacent trough or any 2 adjacent in-phase points called wavelength.
- frequency is da num of waves generated per unit time. 
- frequency is hertz (Hz), symb (f)
- wave velocity, the dist travelled by wave per unit time. measured in metres per sec (ms^-1), sym (v)

