
Tafsiran dan Analisa Kewangan

1.Jualan = Kos Jualan + Untung Kasar

2.Kos Jualan=
a)Jualan-untung kasar
b)stok awal + belian – stok akhir
c)kadar pusing ganti stok x stok purata

3.untung kasar = Jualan – kos jualan

4.untung bersih = untung kasar + pendapatan – perbelanjaan

5.tokokan = untung kasar  x100
                         kos jualan

6.margin untung kasar = untung kasar  x100

7.margin untung bersih = untung bersih  x100

8.pulangan atas modal = untung bersih  x100

9.stok purata =

a)stok awal + stok akhir
b)         kos jualan                      
      kadar pusing ganti stok 

10.kadar pusing ganti stok = kos jualan
                                                        Stok purata

11.nisbah semasa = aset semasa : liabiliti semasa (pemiut,overd bank,gaji terakru)
                                 =(aset sms)-(lia sms)
                                    =aset : liabiliti (cth: 14725 : 11170)<--(14725 divide 11170)
                                   =1.32 : 1 #

12.modal pusingan = aset semasa (stok,penghutang,bank,tunai)

13. modal tetap = aset bukan semasa ( premis,kend,perabot)

perkongsian untung rugi(penyata&kunci)


Alloy & mutation


99.5% iron
0.5% carbon

Special properties
Hard, strong n resistant to corrosion

Construction materials 4 buildings, bridge, vehicles n machines.

97 tin
3 antimony n copper

Special properties
Shiny, comparatively soft n malleable, and resistant to corrosion

making household articles, decorative items, n tableware such as plates, spoons n teapot 

- 88 copper
- 12 tin 

- Hard, stron,....
- make statues, medals, cups n knives.

- 75 copper
- 25 zonc

- hard, shiny, strong, malleable

- deco item, musical instruments n food containers.

- 95 aluminium
- 3 copper
- 1 magnesium
- 1 manganese.

- light, strong

- bodies of aircraft, boats, bic, buses n train.

Chromosome mutations
- refers to, chg in num/ structure of chro

- disorders cause by chro
1.down's syndrome
- caused by an additional chro 21.
- an individual DS has 47 chro.

2. Klinefelter's syn
- an add X chro in a male (XXY)

3. Turner's syn
- woman who has only 1 X chro instead of the normal 2.

caused by chg in the structure.
1. deletion 
- a section of chro which breaks during crossing-over doen join bak to the chro. the resulting chro becomes shorter.

2. inversion
- a section of chro which breaks during crossing-over turns 180 degree and joins bak to chro.

- duplicates itself.

4. translocation 
- a section of chro which breaks during crossing-over is joined to another chro which not homologous to it.

Gene mutations
2 disorders r caused u GM r Colour-blindness, albinism.

factor effect growth of microorganism

- active in dark condition; inactive in bright light
- ultraviolet rays able to kill micro n spores.

- active in neutral / near-neutral condit
- acidity / alkalinity kill micro.

- inactive @ low temp.
- nore active up to abt 40C

the presence of nutrients
- except viruses, all micro need N to live.
- photosynthetic n chemosynthetic micro obtain N in form of minerals.

- except viruses, all micro need water to live.
- dry condition, micro become spores n remain inactive until water available.
- micro unable form spores will die off when dry.


Aim : To study electrolysis

Meterial : Lead bromide powder

App : dry cells, connecting wires, carbon rods, crucible, tripod stand, pipeclay triangle, bunsen burner, bulb, switch.

Method :
1. The app is set up as shown in figure 1.
2. the switch is closed. The bulb is observed to see whether it lights up. The switch is then turned off.
3. The lead bromide powder is heated strongly until its melt. The switch is then closed again to allow electricity to flow through the molten lead bromide.
4. the changes at the bulb n carbon electrodes r observed and recorded.

State if lead bromide
1. Powder
2. Molten

1. does not light up
2. lights up

changes at cathode
1. no chg
2. a shiny silver solid is deposited

chgs at anode
1. no chg
2. brown vapour is released.

Conclution : during elec, lead bromide decomposes to form lead n bromine.
Light Dispersion

Aim : To investigate light dispersion by a prism.

Apparatus : Prism, white screen, light projector.

Method : 
( Note : it is advisable to cary out tis activity in a dark surroundings )
1. apparatus as shown in the figure 1.
2. a beam of white light is directed to the prism.
3. the prism is turned slowly until a band of colours is formed on the white screen.
4. the type n order of colours tht appear on da white screen is observed.
5. another identical prism is placed inversly behind the 1st prism, shown in figure 2.
6. the chgs of the spectrum on da screen r observed n drawn.

1. a spectrum of visible light is seen on the screen.
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
2. when a 2nd prism is placed inversly, the 7 colours r recombined to form a beam of white light again.

Conclution : A spectrum of colours is obtained frm the dispersion of white light through a prism. This is shown tht a white light consists of a spectrum of 7 colours.


- specialised wireless receiver n transmitter.
- launched by rocket, placed in orbit ard the earth
- has dish-like-aerial at ground station.
- aerial used 4 sending n receiving signals.

Geostationary satellites
- revolve arf earth, appear to be stationary. revolve at the same speed as the earth's spin.
- orbit the earth abt 35000km above the equator.
- can 'see' approximately 40 per cent of earth's surface. 3 for worldwide coverage.

Use of sat
- scientific sat - observation such as astronomical observetions.

- weather sat - useful tools used to monitor weather n climate of earth. useful providing storm warning, flood n forest fire prediction.

- navigation sat - used in cars, ships n aircraft to help in navigation, tracking devices in wildlife management.

- military sat - provideprotection to country by defecting intruders. often used 4 gathering intelligence.
- remote sensing n geophysisc sat - sensing imminent disasters, crops growing, spillage of oil or chemicals, direct fishermen 4 fishing spot.

Advantages of sat communication.
- Unlimited coverage
- Effective
- Less costly to set up, maintain & operate
- More reliable
- Multicasting
- Ability to support wide range of device n app
Radio waves

- r generated by forces tht cause vibration or oscillations to a syst.
- transfers energy frm a point to another..
- 2 types. mechanical waves n electromagnetic waves

Mechanical waves
- generated by vibration or oscillations
- required a medium to travel. 
- knot travel through vacuum.

- generated by simultaneous oscillations of electric n magnetic field.
- can travel through vacuum.

Char of waves.
- Amplitude is the max displacement.
- sym 4 amplitude is A.
- crest is da point of max positive displacement  
- trough is da point of max negative displacement.
- distance btw any 3 adjacent crests or adjacent trough or any 2 adjacent in-phase points called wavelength.
- frequency is da num of waves generated per unit time. 
- frequency is hertz (Hz), symb (f)
- wave velocity, the dist travelled by wave per unit time. measured in metres per sec (ms^-1), sym (v)
Food processing and packaging.
- process use to preserve milk by killing the bacteria, by French scientist, Louis Pasteur.
- heated up to 72C for 13 sec or 63C for 30 min, immediate coolong & packaging.
- does not kill the spores of bacteria
- preserves natural flavour as well as its nutritional value.

- removal of water or moisture from food
- dehydrated by blowing hot air frm drying machines.
- some nutrient may be destroyed.

- decrease temp to -18C & vacuuming out the icicles formed.
- maintain its colour, taste and texture


- cheap, shelf life for at least 2 years
- cans heated to high temp of 120C, kill microorganisms & spores.
- additives added, air is drawn out frm the cans n quickly sealed.

Ways to improve food Production
1. kill microorganism
- bacteria n fungi r decomposers n grow well in warm n moist conditions.

2. to make food last longer
- micro r killed when food is being processed. preserved n last longer.

3. help in packaging the food 4 easy transportation

4. to ensure a constant supply 4 food.

5. provide consumers wif wider choice of food production.

6. help in digestion.

Processed food
- low in fibre, antioxidant, vitamins & mineral content.
- contain food additives.
- transported over long distances n kept over a period of time.
foods tht r altered, manufactured in factories n packed in plactic bags, boxes, cans, jars n bottles.
- eg. frozen food, canned food, biscuit, bread, milk, cheese n choc.

Unprocessed food.
- natural form
- high fibre, antioxidant, vitamin n mineral content.
- do not contain food additives
- spoilt easily
-eg. fresh fruit, vege, herbs, meat.

Improve food production
Due to :
- increases of world population, increases demand 4 food.
- increase quantity to vercome starvation.

Use of quality breeds
produce larger quantity of quality yields in short period of time.
a. tenera - the variety of oil palm tht
= cross betw the Pisifera n Dura varieties
= has thick mesocarp, thin shell n large kernel
= able to produce more palm oil

b. Exotica - variety of papaya tht
= cross btw Hawaiian Solo n Subang 6 varieties

c. Masmadu - variety of maize tht
= cross btw Taiwan n Mexican varieties
= sweet fruits
= crop is more resistant to diseases, has shorter fruiting period n produces high yield.

d. Mafriwal - quality breed of cattle tht
= cross btw Feiesien n Sahiwal
= can produce more milkn meat.
= suited to local condition



1.1 Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
Keyakinan wujudnya Tuhan
sebagai pencipta alam dan mematuhi segala
suruhan Nya berlandaskan pegangan agama masing-masing selaras dengan
prinsip Rukun Negara.

1.2 Amanah(trust)
Sikap bertanggungjawab yang boleh menimbulkan kepercayaan dan
keyakinan orang lain.

1.3 Harga Diri
Keupayaan dan keyakinan diri agar mampu memulia dan menjaga maruah
dalam kehidupan.

1.4 Bertanggungjawab
Kesanggupan diri seseorang untuk memikul dan melaksanakan tugas serta
kewajipan dengan sempurna.

1.5 Hemah Tinggi(可敬)
Beradap sopan dan berbudi pekerti mulia dalam pergaulan seharian.

1.6 Toleransi(纪律)
Kesanggupan bertolak ansur, sabar dan mengawal diri bagi mengelakkan
berlakunya pertelingkahan
dan perselisihan faham demi kesejahteraan hidup.

1.7 Berdikari(独立)
 Kebolehan dan kesanggupan melakukan sesuatu tanpa bergantung kepada
orang lain.

1.8 Kerajinan

Usaha yang berterusan penuh dengan semangat ketekunan, kecekalan,
kegigihan, dedikasi dan berdaya maju
dalam melakukan sesuatu perkara.

1.9 Kasih Sayang
Kepekaan dan perasaan cinta yang mendalam serta berkekalan yang lahir
daripada hati yang ikhlas.

1.10 Keadilan(正义)
dan keputusan yang saksama serta tidak berat sebelah.

1.11 Rasional(理性)
Boleh berfikir
berdasarkan alasan dan bukti yang nyata dan dapat mengambil
berasaskan pertimbangan yang wajar.

1.12 Kesederhanaan(适度)
Bersikap tidak keterlaluan dalam membuat pertimbangan dan tindakan sama
ada dalam pemikiran, pertuturan atau perlakuan tanpa mengabaikan
kepentingan diri dan orang lain.

2.1 Kasih Sayang terhadap Keluarga
Perasaan cinta, kasih dan sayang
yang mendalam dan berkekalan terhadap

2.2 Hormat dan Taat kepada Anggota Keluarga
setiap anggota keluarga dengan berinteraksi dan memberi
layanan secara bersopan untuk mewujudkan keluarga yang harmoni.

2.3 Mengekalkan Tradisi Kekeluargaan
Menerima, menghormati dan mengamalkan
sesuatu kebiasaan, adat dan
kepercayaan yang diwarisi secara turun-temurun dalam keluarga.

2.4 Tanggungjawab terhadap Keluarga
yang harus dilaksanakan oleh setiap individu terhadap keluarga
untuk melahirkan keluarga bahagia, meningkatkan imej dan menjaga maruah

3.1 Menyayangi dan Menghargai Alam Sekitar
tentang perlunya memelihara dan memulihara alam sekeliling
untuk mengekalkan keseimbangan ekosistem.

3.2 Keharmonian antara Manusia dengan Alam Sekitar
Keadaan saling memerlukan hubungan yang harmonis antara manusia
dengan alam sekeliling supaya kualiti kehidupan manusia dan alam sekeliling

3.3 Kemapanan Alam Sekitar
Pengekalan keseimbangan alam sekeliling
sebagai tanggungjawab bersama
untuk kesejahteraan hidup.

3.4 Peka terhadap Isu-isu Alam Sekitar
terhadap persoalan yang berkaitan dengan alam sekeliling dan
berusaha menyelesaikannya.

4.1 Cinta Akan Negara
Perasaan sayang dan bangga kepada Negara serta meletakkan kepentingan
negara melebihi kepentingan diri.

4.2 Taat Setia kepada Raja dan Negara
Kepatuhan dan kesetiaan
yang berkekalan kepada Raja dan Negara.

4.3 Sanggup Berkorban untuk Negara
Kerelaan melakukan atau menyerahkan sesuatu
termasuk nyawa sebagai
tanda kebaktian untuk negara.

5.1 Melindungi Hak Kanak-kanak
Membela, memberi naungan dan memelihara hak kanak-kanak
menjamin kehidupan mereka yang sempurna.

5.2 Menghormati Hak Wanita
Melindungi dan mengiktiraf wanita
sebagai individu yang boleh memberi
sumbangan dalam pembangunan keluarga, masyarakat dan negara.

5.3 Melindungi Hak Pekerja
Menghormati, menghargai dan mengiktiraf perkhidmatan, jasa dan

sumbangan golongan pekerja dalam pembangunan negara.

5.4 Menghormati Hak Golongan Kurang Berupaya
Memberi layanan yang bersopan
kepada golongan kurang berupaya supaya
tidak berasa tersisih dan mengiktiraf mereka sebagai insan ciptaan Tuhan.

5.5 Melindungi Hak Pengguna
dan memelihara hak individu untuk menjadi pengguna yang
berilmu, mendapat perkhidmatan serta barangan yang berkualiti dan tidak
mudah dieksploitasi.

6.1 Mematuhi Peraturan dan Undang-undang
dan mematuhi peraturan dan undang-undang yang telah
ditentukan tanpa mengira sesiapa dan di mana seseorang itu berada.

6.2 Kebebasan Bersuara
Kebebasan berucap
dan mengeluarkan fikiran dengan batasan tertentu bagi
menjaga keselamatan dan ketenteraman.

6.3 Kebebasan Beragama
setiap individu untuk menganuti dan mengamalkan agamanya
seperti yang diperuntukkan dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia.

6.4 Penglibatan Diri dalam Pembangunan Negara
untuk melibatkan diri dalam pelbagai aktiviti pembangunan
negara dengan mematuhi peraturan, undang-undang dan Perlembagaan

6.5 Sikap Keterbukaan
Bersedia memberi dan menerima pandangan, pembaharuan dan kritikan
selaras dengan kebenaran fakta dan norma masyarakat Malaysia.

7.1 Hidup Bersama Secara Aman
Hidup berbaik-baik
antara satu sama lain dengan mengutamakan kedamaian
dan keharmonian hidup tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan budaya.

7.2 Saling Membantu dan Bekerjasama
Usaha yang baik dan membina
yang dilakukan bersama pada peringkat
individu, komuniti atau negara untuk mencapai sesuatu matlamat.

7.3 Saling Menghormati antara Negara
Menghargai dan memuliakan hubungan antara negara
untuk menjamin
kesejahteraan sejagat.